Monday, April 2, 2012

Resurrect Your Dreams!

I am reading the book 'Dream Culture' by Andy & Janine Mason. It is helping me to identify dreams within me that have died. It challenges me to revisit them & open up the coffin & take a good look at the dreams that still lie inside. This is because they remind me that dreams don't always come true. "The problem with letting them lie dormant in your heart is that they echo lies to you & try to tell you no dreams will ever come true for you. Whenever you try to get up & dream again they scream, 'Don't dream! It's not worth the pain. Remember what happened last time'?" God wants to bring resurrection power to the dead dreams inside me. It may look differently but He can bring my dreams back better than before! "Thus says the Lord God to these bones; I will cause breath & spirit to enter you & you shall live!" Ezekiel 37:5

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