When Solomon finished the building of the Lords House and the Kings House and ALL he desired...The Lord appeared to him a second time and said "I have heard your prayers & supplication..I have hallowed this house..and put My Name (and My Presence) there forever,
MY EYES AND MY HEART SHALL BE THERE PERPETUALLY...". It took Solomon 20 years to build both houses... All of this is a parallel to what the Lord is building in my life. To no longer work under, what Gary Keesee calls the "Earth Curse System" of hard labor and survival. Solomon had much because he had the Wisdom of God. The two houses weren't built instantly, it took 20 years! Wisdom wants what is best and enduring, to not rush and give up. As the Proverb goes, "Steady plodding brings prosperity." When I get frustrated on this 4 year business plan, I am reminded that it takes long term vision as I make this paradigm shift in my thinking. In order for things to change, I have to change! The reason I want change is because He Who's "Eyes and Heart" are within me, perpetually, prompts me to build something greater, and lasting, and beautiful! I continually hear the Lord saying, "Stay the Course" because that is what it will take to attain my BHAG'S & leave a Legacy of Wealth!
Perpetually is defined as: lasting, forever, enduring, constatnt, sustained, endless, inexhaustable, uninteruptable, eternal, never ending! Now that's what my heart seeks & desires.
Spring Update 2011, Part One
13 years ago
Hi Peej, I don't know who Gary Keesee is but Henry David Thoreau wrote about and sought to live outside the "earth curse system" too, although he didn't use those words.
ReplyDeleteGo Mama!!