Saturday, December 29, 2012

Angel Wings

At Christmas, our family friend, Tom, commented on how the skies must be so amazing up here in Kremmling, after seeing some of the photos on my blog. I responded that they really are supernatural! We truly have a vast canvas before us that we consider our own 'open heavens'. This particular photo reminds me of 'Angel Wings'. While reading my Bible, I was reminded of these descriptive verses from Psalm 104:1-4, "Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God. You are very great! You are clothed with majesty-Who covers Yourself with light as with a garment. Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain. Who lays the beams of the upper room of His abode in the waters. Who makes the clouds His chariot. Who walks on the wings of the wind. Who makes winds His messengers, flames of fire, His ministers". Look closely with your spiritual eyes & join me in seeing God's messengers displayed so beautifully with the Creator's heavenly brushstrokes!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Mountain Gatherings: Eyes like a Blazing Fire

Mountain Gatherings: Eyes like a Blazing Fire: The intensity of God's love for me is so passionate. He pursues me with 'eyes of fire'. Expressed so powerfully by John in Revelation 19:...

Eyes like a Blazing Fire

The intensity of God's love for me is so passionate. He pursues me with 'eyes of fire'. Expressed so powerfully by John in Revelation 19:11-12, "I saw heaven standing open & there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called 'Faithful & True'. With Justice He judges & makes war. His eyes are like a blazing fire and on His head are many crowns." This is the One in whom I love & seek so often. He is not a passive God who stands by & watches but is One so intimately involved in every detail of my life. I look into my Saviors 'eyes of fire' & receive His burning love for me & I am changed.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Heaven's Declare the Glory of God

Just like the five physical senses we have in the natural, we have five spiritual senses that can reach into the supernatural. As I focused on my spiritual senses this is what I wrote in my journal: I see into the Heavenly realm. I hear the sounds & songs of Heaven & they are beautiful! I feel in my heart the Kingdom of God ruling in grace, kindness, mercy, forgiveness & unconditional love. The Father's Heart beat's with bravery, courage, & power. I taste God's goodness. I smell Heaven's atmosphere that is sweet, crisp, refreshing, like after rain. I dream of Heaven & I am happy, content, at rest, peace & joy. "The Heaven's declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows & proclaims His handiwork." Psalm 19:1

Monday, November 26, 2012

God Is With Me and For Me

God is with me and for me. God knows the number of my days & they are good, blessed and abundant. He wants me to believe for a bright future. He wants me to get so close to Him that I will not question opposing views. It is His voice & His Words of life that are just, true & loving. Full of hope, healing, light & love. He speaks truth to me that sets me FREE! "For I know the thoughts & plans that I have for you, PJ, says the Lord, thoughts & plans for welfare & peace & not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome." Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Open Heaven

I have heard that the best times for an 'Open Heaven' are at sunrise, noon and sunset. I think that is why so many of us love those times of day. My husband & I look out our windows here in our "High Place Home' on Gore Pass, hoping to see the often beautiful colors on the horizon that surround's us. It is truly God's Glory shining forth, blessing the earth & us, with His Heavenly Presence. "The Heaven's declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows & proclaims His handiwork." Psalm 19:1 A song that I love right now by 'Jesus Culture', says it this way; "I see the cloud, and I step in, I want to see Your Glory like Moses did, flashes of light & rolls of thunder, but I'm not afraid, I'm not me Your Glory, show me Your Glory, show me Your Glory, show me Your Glory...that's where I belong...I was born for love...I belong to You."

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

God is Trustworthy

I have been going through a season where I am learning to trust God on a deeper level. It has been a difficult one yet my God is Trustworthy! It seems it would be simple to trust 'The Creator of the Universe' with the details of my life, however, there has been a place in my heart that couldn't seem to trust. It is healing & my faith is growing & I know it is preparing me for the BIGGER, God is wanting to do in my life. I have not been gracious through it & most definitely, it has not been pretty, I have been less than honorable yet He heard my cry for more & He honored me. GOD sees the other side of my tangles & hurts. He meets my deepest needs because He is El Shaddai, the 'All Sufficient One'. I lay at His feet & He nurtures me. He loves me unconditionally, He embraces me & accepts me as His Beloved. Like the photo of this setting sun, He sets His love abundantly upon me. "I am my Beloved's & my Beloved is mine." Song of Solomon 6:3

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Deep Wells of Encouragement

First, you must believe Me that there is no-thing you can do, say or think that would cause Me to leave you. I Am here to meet you at your deepest need. There is no-thing you have done that shocks Me. I love & accept you UNCONDITIONALLY. I Am love without condition & I live in the core of your being, where every answer lies, where truth lies that sets free, where the vastness of My Love is being poured out as a never-ending, everlasting, unfailing Love. There is no place that I cannot go. No place too dark, no place too deep, no place so far that My Love cannot reach. "Where could I go from Your Spirit? Or where could I flee from Your Presence? If I ascend up into heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning or dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall Your hand lead me, & Your right hand shall hold me." Psalm 139:7-10

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

True Happiness

The Kingdom of God works the opposite of what I may be feeling. God's Kingdom is based on God's Truth. I learned this life-changing principle 25 years ago when I found, through trial & depression & several amazing people God placed in my life, that my true identity comes from God. When my emotions cry out sadness, hopelessness, or fear I then can make a choice to believe them or believe God. God's Word says, "The Joy of the Lord is my strength." Nehemiah 8:10, or "Hope in God and wait expectantly for HIm for I shall yet praise Him, the HOPE of my countenance & my God." Ps 42:11, or "Perfect Love casts out fear,(expells every trace of terror)." 1 John 4:18. These are truths I live by, this is what gives me true life & happiness. I am forever grateful to my Heavenly Father for His Perfect Love for me!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Promises of God

I am in a season in my life where God is showing His promises of protection, to be true in my life. Psalm 55 is a cry of David's heart when he was hiding from his enemy Saul, and was in fear for his life. "Save me, O God, by Your name: judge and vindicate me by Your mighty strength and power. Hear my pleading and my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth." He expresses his fear by calling out to God in his time of trouble, yet he reminds himself who God is to him, "Behold! God is my helper and ally: the Lord is my upholder...He has delivered me out of every trouble, and my eye has looked in triumph on my enemies." As I go through life, I see the many pitfalls of the enemy and I cry out to God to protect me and like David remember that He is my helper, my upholder & my ally. What great comfort this brings to me in times of fear. Thank You, O God, Jehovah-Sabaoth, 'The Lord of Hosts, The Lord of Armies', my Heavenly Protector!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Denali 'The Great One'

Denali means 'The Great One'. When we were in Alaska, we were fortunate to see the glory of this mountain unfold. It truly is a 'Great One' over 22,000 ft in altitude it's hard to imagine after seeing Denali, that Mount Everest is twice the size! As great as these mountains are, there is another 'Great One' & He is 'EL' the 'Strong One', occuring over 200 times in the Old Testament. El Elohe, 'God of Israel', El Elyon, 'The Most High', Elohim, 'All Powerful, Creator', El Roi, 'The God Who Sees Me', El Shaddai 'The All Sufficient One, The God of the Mountains, God Almighty'. I have cried out to this 'Great One' & He is there for me & in His presence I become as a strong mountain. "O Lord my God, I have cried to You & You healed me...By Your Favor O Lord, You have established me as a strong mountain..." Psalm 30:2&7

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Denali Park Swan

While venturing out on an unplanned trail hike, never would I have imagined this hidden beauty so elegant & majestic awaiting my longing heart. Here I was looking for bear, moose & eagle wanting to see the BIGNESS of Alaska yet here was a regal moment & unexpected surprise. The pureness of this swan's reflection showed a true heart of peace, rest & tranquility, unlike my own. Thank you Lord for these gentle reminders that call me back to Your peaceful waters that quiet my soul. "As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man." Proverbs 27:19

Friday, April 27, 2012

Joy & Gladness

All that distracts me from what's really important in life falls away when I am surrounded by God's creation. His glory is present in all that He made & I am glad. "Behold, You desire truth in my inner being, make me therefore to know wisdom in my inmost heart...Make me to hear joy & gladness & be satisfied..." Psalm 51:6-7

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Consider the Lilies of the Field

Mountain living brings me such joy! As I see Spring unfolding I get excited about going jeeping with my husband of almost 34 years. We have so many wonderful memories of our getaways here in the beautiful Colorado mountains. Nothing refreshes my soul more than being with the one I love & taking in God's Creation. God's garden just naturally grows without struggle. I think of the scripture in Matthew 6:28-29 "Why should you be anxious about what you're going to wear? Consider the lilies of the field...they neither toil or spin. I tell you, even Solomon in all his magnificence was not arrayed like one of these."

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


It's calving season here in the Kremmling area. Every Spring the ranchers here go through this important event. It is so much fun to see the little calves appearing in the meadows, there's one, then two, then three, on & on popping like popcorn! It has given me a new respect for ranchers in the area as they weather storms, get up early with their searchlights, seeking new calves, checking to see if mama is ok. This Spring is a mild one, but last year it was a wonder any made it through with such extreme conditions! Cattle are tough & I read somewhere that the way God made them to stand against the storms is there 'inner furnace' that helps them sustain through the adversity the weather can bring. I too have an 'inner fire' that burns during adverse times in my life to keep me strong & steadfast. "Yet amid all these things, I am more than a conqueror and gain a surpassing victory through Him that loves me." Romans 8:37

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Canopy over Grandeur

Genesis 1:1-2 "In the beginning God (prepared, formed, fashioned) & created the heaven's & the earth. The earth was without form & an empty waste, & darkness was upon the face of the very great deep. The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters."
I am so grateful as the Spirit of God is still available for me to experience as He hovers over me. When I feel lifeless & need to be touched deeply He never fails to show Himself, even if we say nothing, His presence is enough.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Window to the Sea

I love this photo, 'Window to the Sea', because it reminds me that in my life so often a 'small window of opportunity' brings its glorious ray of light to my self-made, walled in thinking. When I choose to enter into what God, Who is Light, is opening up to me, I can make steps towards a whole new vast horizon, an 'ocean of ideas' that can help carry me to the fulfillment of my destiny.
"Opportunities do not come with their values stamped upon them...To face every opportunity of life, thoughtfully & ask its meaning bravely & earnestly, is the only way to meet supreme opportunities when they come, whether open-faced or disguised." M. D. Babcock

Monday, April 2, 2012

Resurrect Your Dreams!

I am reading the book 'Dream Culture' by Andy & Janine Mason. It is helping me to identify dreams within me that have died. It challenges me to revisit them & open up the coffin & take a good look at the dreams that still lie inside. This is because they remind me that dreams don't always come true. "The problem with letting them lie dormant in your heart is that they echo lies to you & try to tell you no dreams will ever come true for you. Whenever you try to get up & dream again they scream, 'Don't dream! It's not worth the pain. Remember what happened last time'?" God wants to bring resurrection power to the dead dreams inside me. It may look differently but He can bring my dreams back better than before! "Thus says the Lord God to these bones; I will cause breath & spirit to enter you & you shall live!" Ezekiel 37:5

Friday, March 30, 2012

Trumpet the Sound of Royalty!

I have a kind, loving & wise friend who brought me a purple iris yesterday & said that she woke up in the night thinking about me & several other women who get together every week to learn about SOZO, an inner healing ministry. She received a 'word' from God for each of us that was represented in the color of the flower. Mine was purple which stands for 'Royalty' & she said that "God was happy with where I was at now & where I was going & who I was becoming". What a wonderful blessing to speak over me. She had a word for each one of us. Isn't that what friends are for? To encourage us to be all that God created us to be? A quote from my dream book says, "Our lives trumpet the sound of what we really believe". I trumpet the sound of Royalty today!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hahn's Peak Hidden Beauty

I enjoy the hidden beauty that God offers me for just a few moments in time. The right light, the right place, the right moment. When I pay attention to what is going on around me throughout my day, He presents numerous opportunities for me to behold something special. Whether it be a person, a word I am reading, nature, or even something unseen that comes from within, I can receive His precious gifts to me. "Let it be the inward adorning & beauty of the hidden person of the heart...a gentle, peaceful spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God." 1 Peter 3:4

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Entrance of Your Word Gives Light

With the history that surrounds Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, I came to appreciate its natural beauty. The more I walked through the corridors of time, I found art unfolding before me in the architecture. I am enriched by travel & the many opportunities that are presented to me to learn & understand other cultures that are so different than my mountain living. These experiences change me from within as I am moved in my emotions & all my senses are awakened anew. My ability to express myself through art, writing and worship, now has more depth & meaning because of it.
"The entrance and unfolding of Your Words give light; their unfolding gives understanding to the simple." Psalm 119:130

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Roaring Deep Calls to Roaring Deep

From the depths of my being I cry out to God & He hears me. He answers me from the depths of His Spirit. This is intimacy. This is knowing God. I am real before Him and He accepts me. "Roaring deep calls to roaring deep at the thunder of Your waterspouts; all Your breakers and Your rolling waves have gone over me. Yet the Lord will command His loving-kindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me, a prayer to the God of my life." Psalm 42:7-8

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Why is there such a feeling of God's Presence when the sun rises or when it goes down? I believe God gave this loving reminder so that during my busy day, I would take a moment to pause & receive His gift to me for that moment. SELAH means to 'pause and calmly think of that'. It is often used in the Psalms when, again, God wants me to really hear what He is speaking to me that deserves His attention. "You are a hiding place for me; You, Lord, preserve me from trouble, You surround me with songs & shouts of deliverance. Selah!" Psalm 32:7

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Actions You Take Today

Sometimes I wonder if all my 'busyness' is making a difference. I want my actions to be purposeful & effectual toward my dreams. Part of the 'process' of moving forward with my dreams is seeing the results & learning about myself & the choices I make. To ask myself, "Is what I am doing now, moving me toward my dream? If not, what can I do differently"? The following quote expresses best the result of my actions not only for myself but for my children & grandchildren. The Butterfly Effect: "There are generations yet unborn whose very lives will be shifted & shaped by the moves you make & the actions you take today. And tomorrow...And the next day...And the next..." Andy Andrews

Monday, March 19, 2012

El Elyon, the Most High God

I am so grateful to live in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. There is such grandeur here that refreshes my soul. When I walk this land I feel God's presence & my senses are awakened within me. I connect to God this way. This is when I raise my hands in worship & find such freedom to be myself & feel fully alive. I speak out my desires & prayers & call on El Elyon, the Most High God, & I know that He hears me. I treasure these moments of intimacy. "So I went with Him & when we were climbing the rocky steps up the hillside, my Beloved said...Let Me see your face, let me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet and your face is lovely." Song of Solomon 2:14

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Full Moon Rising

Like the light reflected in this full moon over my home on Gore Pass so my life is a reflection of God's light upon me. The more I spend time in His presence, the more I reflect God's light. When Moses asked for God to show him His Glory, the skin of his face shone...that is my prayer, to know God & be a reflection of His glory so that others may know Him. "You will show me the path of Life; in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore." Psalm 16:11

Thursday, March 15, 2012

From the Rising of the Sun to It's going Down

When I am finally still & away from life's distractions, I embellish my soul in the beauty of a sunset over the Caribbean. The joy of my spirit cannot be contained & I cry out in Praise to my God, the Creator of the Universe: "Praise the Lord! Praise O servants of the Lord, Praise the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name of the Lord, From this time forth and forevermore! From the rising of the sun, to it's going down, the Lord's name is to be praised." Psalm 113:3

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Arise and Shine

Arise and new life, be radiant with the glory of the Lord, for your light has come & the Glory of the Lord has risen upon thee. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth & dense darkness the people, but the Lord shall arise upon you & His Glory shall be seen on you. And nations shall come to your light & kings to the brightness of your rising. Isaiah 60:1-3

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Expression Of Light & Color

In my Dream Class, there is an amazing quote in our book by Bill Johnson that says, "The result of a transformed mind is that the impossible becomes logical." Looking at this one white Lupine standing out alone amongst all the blue, it makes me think of how God can make what seems impossible in my life, possible. Here, God orchestrates a beautiful symphony of color & light. In my own life, I too can be an expression of His color & light. My life with God is a garden, filled with His Glory, He is tending to, so lovingly & wisely. "I am my Beloved's {garden} & my Beloved is mine!" Song of Solomon 6:3

Monday, March 12, 2012

Grandchildren Moab 2011

Having my grandchildren reminds me of how I can overcome obstacles. When I see them struggling & wanting to give up, I encourage them that they 'Can do it, and they do it." We all need someone to cheer us on when we feel like giving up. I enjoy watching children's movies that obviously have a big people message in it such as 'A Bugs Life'. When Flick feels like a failure because he thinks outside the box & believes in ideas & doing things differently, he has to go through some pretty disappointing things that don't work, however, there is courage in his heart & he is the only ant who stands up to 'Hopper', the big bully grasshopper. After being laughed at, rejected, shunned, punched, kicked & called 'lower than dirt, a little ant named 'Dot' is the one who believes in him and doesn't give up. Flick rises to the challenge and says the unspeakable, 'Ants are not meant to serve grasshoppers. It's the grasshoppers who need the ants". The other ants hear his courage & courage rises up in them & they too believe. Overcoming is a wonderful thing. We need each other to believe when we cannot & to see things differently. That's what life is all about! Believing, overcoming & living a life that we love & are passionate about. "If you had faith, trust, confidence in God even so small like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, 'Be pulled up by the roots, and be planted in the sea', and it would obey you". Luke 17:6

Thursday, March 8, 2012

KCC Stained Glass Window

Kremmling Community Church celebrated it's 100th year birthday last June, 2011. I am privileged to be a part of this family of believers. They welcomed my husband & I, 2 years ago with warm, loving, arms & have embraced us in life's difficulties & in celebration. I am sharing one of many beautiful stained glass windows that I have come to enjoy as I worship here. The presence of God fills the sanctuary & I am filled with His Peace. Here, I am free to express His Glory. Like King David of old, I dance before the Lord with all my heart & I am glad! Psalm 150

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Declarations of God's Goodness

Declarations are a powerful way to breathe new life into my day, giving me focus & clarity as I live out my destiny. So in my journal this morning I felt led to declare NEW words into my life. I need this & read recently how I must recover my focus daily. It doesn't just come to me, I must grab hold of it with determination. One of the declarations I made was, "I am in step with God's timing & trust Him to bring the support, ideas & provision I need. Like these sunflowers that trust the farmer for the support & provision they need, I face the SON & rest in His goodness. "The Goodness of God endures Continually..." Psalm 52:1a

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

On Sunday I could feel a shift in nature. After going to church, my husband & I decided on our way home, that it was a perfectly beautiful day to pack a lunch & go for a drive up on Gore Pass. Two moose had been seen near our home earlier in the week so we were on the search for more moose. On our way up we saw some fresh tracks we were certain were moose. After having our little 'picnic' in the car & enjoying the sunshine, listening to the beautiful & inspiring Rivera's new 'Yearnings' CD, and an eagle soaring overhead, I felt like I was in Heaven! As we headed back, we slowed by the tracks we saw earlier and spotted this moose laying down in the trees! I never seem to tire of nature & God's creation. Thank you Lord for spontaneity, and how my heart is stirred by the freshness of each season. My eyes are filled with renewed hope & I am glad!

Monday, March 5, 2012

I am taking a Dream Class & one of my favorite quotes is by St. Irenaeus, "The Glory of God is a man fully alive." That is my quest. To be fully alive with the Glory of God. I find that I have experienced this full aliveness at times, however, there are often times I don't. I believe it is possible & that I am on the path to get there & that it is a choice that I must make daily. As I spend my time reading, worshiping my Creator, journaling, writing, drawing & spending time in nature, photography & quality time with friends & family & even in lifes many challenges & at work connecting with others. This is where I find I become alive. This is a life that is full & beautiful. This is where I choose to invest my life & as I do, the rewards have been & will continue to be great.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sometimes, like the Glory of God, no words can be expressed to describe it. As in this 'Morning of Glory' rising upon our mountains, in a fleeting moment it can be captured & in silent awe the beholder stands to receive its copious splendor.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Glory is defined in the Hebrew Language as: Splendor, copiousness, glorious, honourable, magnificence, excellency, majestic, to shine, to be clear, celebrate, sing, be worthy of praise, grandeur, triumph & bravery.
It is then no surprise that when I see a meadow of wildflowers I experience these emotions. Song of Solomon speaks of God's Glory in intimacy & love, "You have called me a garden, Oh I pray that the breath & wind of Your Spirit may blow upon my garden, that it's spices may flow with abundance for you in whom my soul delights".

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Glory of God is seen in His creation. When I worship Him in spirit and in truth He makes Himself known. It is in intimacy with the Living God that I can experience Him and His Glory. I can then go from glory to glory. I praise You O God that You reveal Yourself to me in nature and when I come to You with my whole heart. Like David in the Psalms, I cry out to You & You answer me. "O send out Your Light and Your Truth, let them lead me; let them bring me to Your Holy Hill and to Your Dwelling." Psalm 43:3

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I come to You Lord & am still.
I rest and wait patiently for You.
I fret not & cease from my anger.
For I choose Wisdom, Understanding & Knowledge.
Come & fill the chambers of my heart with Your Presence that is Precious & Rich.
You have called me & chosen me for Your Purposes.
I come to You, the Water of Life & am Refreshed & Strengthened by Your Love!